15 Ways to Gain Maximum Crop Yield

15 Ways to Gain Maximum Crop Yield

Introduction: There are many factors that cause crop yield to decrease. Crop yield is the amount of food a crop produces for human consumption in its most usable form, usually expressed as kilograms or pounds of food per hectare per year. In this article we will discus “15 Ways to Gain Maximum Crop Yield”.  Farmers…

Why Do We Spray Pesticides on Crops?

Why Do We Spray Pesticides on Crops?

Pesticides are used to control the population of pests that live and feed on, or near crops. Pests can include insects, mites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Pest populations can cause significant losses due to their feeding on crops or transmitting plant diseases between plants; this is commonly known as crop disease. For example, aphids damage…