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Proven Guide on How to Grow Crops

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Introduction: The basics of growing crops

To feed a large number of people in this world, growing crops and getting maximum yield is very important. According to an estimate by the end of 2050, the population would be 9 billion in the world. To feed these many people there must be a large amount of food production in the world.

To meet the growing demand for food, we need to increase the volume of food production by at least 50% over 1990 levels. This means that there must be an increase of about 30%. Considering these kinds of factors you might want to know “What is Proven Guide on How to grow Crops”.

Not only that by growing crops and exporting these agricultural commodities many countries can be self-sufficient in food. This is because the countries that grow these crops can export some of their crop production to other countries. By exporting these agricultural commodities we can not only feed our population but also create jobs for many people.

You can also read “7 Alarming Factors That Can Reduce Crop Yield” to gain maximum yield.


Considering these kinds of factors you might want to Proven Guide on How to grow Crops

Select the right crop for your climate and soil

The selection of the right crop considering the climate is one of the most important things in deciding what type of crop to grow. The crops that can be grown in hot and humid climates must be selected very carefully and proper care should be taken while selecting the right crop for your climate.

For example, to grow wheat crops, the climate should be hot and humid. The crop that can be grown in hot climates without problems is maize or rice. You should know the following things before selecting the right crop for your climate. Some crops prefer the cold season, for example, garlic and onion. These crops should be selected in the cold season.

The soil in your area should be fertile, well-drained, and with good aeration. Soil fertility is determined by the type of soil it is. Soil fertility can be increased by using fertilizers, compost, manure, and other organic manure.

Amend the soil as needed

The soil is the best medium to grow crops. You should have good drainage to avoid waterlogging. The soil should be acidic and well aerated. Soil pH is important for your crops. The best pH range for most vegetables is around 6 to 7. Soil conditions are determined by the amount of rainfall, wind, etc.

The nutrients that are present in the soil should be closely examined. For this, you can take a soil sample and take it to the nearby lab or research center. They will help you determine what type of nutrients and how many nutrients you need to grow a specific crop. Adding an excessive amount of nutrients can be very detrimental to the plants.

Fertilizers play a very important role in the growth and development of your crops. Fertilizers are used to supply nutrients to your plants. There are several types of fertilizers depending on the type of crop that you want to grow. For example, for sugarcane, you need phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, while for corn you need potassium, nitrogen, and phosphoric acid.

Plant the seedlings correctly

Planting the seedlings at the right time is crucial for healthy and successful plants. You need to plant the seedlings at the right time depending on the type of crop that you’re growing. One of the most important crops for farmers is sugarcane, which should be planted in February, March, or April. It should be planted in the beds.

To grow wheat seed rate should be 125-150 kg/ha. For potatoes, you should plow in the beds and then you need to plant in the holes. The hole should be at an equal distance from each other. If you want to grow corn, it’s best for planting in the first week of May. Most vegetables are planted in the middle of June, July and August.

How to plant soybeans is easy. You need to select the seeds and then you should sow them in the beds. When it’s time for planting you need to cover with soil and then wait until seedlings grow up.

One important thing to note is that you must use verified and resistant varieties of the seeds. These resistant seed varieties would allow you to grow the crops without any problems with pests and weeds. You should use these varieties of seeds that give you good yield and healthy crops.


Considering these kinds of factors you might want proven Guide on How to grow Crops

Water and fertilize regularly

Irrigating the crops is a very important thing to do. The crops must be watered regularly because they need this to grow healthy and strong. At the same time, you should fertilize the plants to increase their yield. You can use natural or organic fertilizer for this purpose.

To gain maximum yield from a crop you might need more than one irrigation. For example, wheat may need up to 5 irrigation. This is because the plant has different needs during the growth and developmental periods. For sugarcane, you need to water the crop. The first irrigation is done after planting and the next two are done 2 weeks later, and again 2 weeks after that.

Fertilizers should be applied after the recommendation of an agricultural expert. Most crops require a combination of different fertilizers. While some plants need nitrogen, others may require phosphorus and potassium. Some plants like corn need to get inorganic substances such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. But it is important to add organic materials to the soil because the organic matter increases the soil fertility and bacterial activity which helps the crops to grow faster and provide maximum yield.

Considering these kinds of factors you proven Guide on How to grow Crops

Control the Pests and Weeds

Pests and weeds are one the biggest threats to your crop. Pests are harmful to your crops and they can destroy the yield and cause diseases. They damage the crop in many ways. They consume the leaves and roots and compete with plants for food and water.

They can also contaminate the soil or spread diseases. The pests can reduce your crop yield from 40-to 60%. So it is very important to keep the insect number below the threshold level.

There are many different insect pests that can cause damage to your crop. For example in the case of cotton, an early-stage crop might get affected by thrips, whitefly, aphids, and other sucking pests. Later you might see the attack of pink bollworm and cotton dusky bug. In maize in the early stage the shoot fly attacks which fold the leaves and in the lateral stage the fall armyworm and then cob borer can be found in the upper part of maize.

To know full detail about the pest control you can read “Why Do We Spray Pesticides on Crops?

Proven Guide on How to grow Crops

Harvest at the right time

“The fruits of labor are the sweetest.”

The time of harvest is crucial for crops. The right time of harvest can determine the success or failure of a crop. There are many factors to consider when harvesting crops. The weather, the soil, and the stage of maturity all play a role in determining when to harvest a crop.

“We must remember that agriculture is the foundation of our economy and that harvesting our crops is the key to our success.”

If a crop is harvested too early, it may not be ripe enough and it will not taste good. If a crop is harvested too late, it may be overripe and it will not taste good either. Additionally, if a crop is harvested at the wrong time, it may be susceptible to disease or pests.

It is important to monitor the crops closely and harvest them at the right time so that they can reach their full potential. By harvesting crops at the right time, farmers can ensure that their crops will be delicious and healthy.


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